There are a number of industrial painting services available from Tata Pigments Limited. Our trained experts are qualified to paint on a variety of surfaces from metal, steel to concrete. We specialize in both wall and ceiling painting, so we can handle the entirety of your industrial building's interior painting needs. Whether it's a deck ceiling made from wood or a panel ceiling designed for acoustics, our painting experts have the experience necessary to provide a quality job from start to finish. We can then follow up with inspections to maintain the longevity.
Tata Pigments Limited also handles specialized painting needs. We have experience in painting silos, bins and tanks. Our experts can not only paint your industrial pipes, but also add color coordination and labeling to keep them separated for safety and maintenance reasons. Always hire an expert for jobs that require the painting of industrial machinery or equipment, as only trained professionals have the know-how to paint these items without damaging the mechanisms that make them work.
Keep your industrial building safe. Our experts are trained in properly painting safety signs. We can add stenciling to any structure to provide labeling for safety. We can also mark hazard zones to keep your industrial building a safe environment to operate in.